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Old June 25th, 2016, 04:47 AM   #10
Lazarus member
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Name: RJ
Location: PA
Join Date: Dec 2015

Motorcycle(s): 2008 Ninja 250

Posts: 210
Adapt, overcome, improvise.

Adapt, to all the idiots on the road and know they are going to do things that put you in harms way be it intentionally or unintentionally

Overcome, your bodies natural preservation mode and the "this isn't natural but I'm doing it anyways" feeling. We aren't supposed to ride that fast on 2 wheels, probably even on two wheels at all, but we do it anyways because we love it.

Improvise, there will be times where you are stuck on the side of the road because your bike is being a finikey little b***h, (hope that never happens to any of you) or you have to take a different route home due to traffic, accident, road work, etc or you may even become lost after taking a wrong turn. Keep calm and use a level head to help yourself out of the situation.

Most importantly practice practice practice. New riders should practice swerving, emergency braking, all the drills that will essentially save your life someday.
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