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Old July 15th, 2016, 02:01 PM   #10
motodancer member
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Glad you're okay.
This happens to me once in awhile as well, but it's both of my arms that go numb & tingly, and my fingers/hands freeze up. I also get really dizzy/nauseated during this time.
I've gone to the doctor several times for different things related to it and they've never found anything wrong with me. I also faint sometimes as well. Only one time have I ever had numb arms and fainted at the same time.
It's never happened while driving or at work or out in public by myself. The few times it did happen in public, I was always with someone.
I do get severe headaches and quite a few different kinds, which has been happening my whole life. I get pretty bad motion sickness too, even if it's just on a swing going back & forth.
No one has ever found anything wrong so.. what can ya do but suffer?
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