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Old August 9th, 2016, 10:27 AM   #6
Just sittin on my stool..
Name: Amanda
Location: Bloomington, IN
Join Date: May 2016

Motorcycle(s): 2012 Ninja 250

Posts: 429
Originally Posted by InvisiBill View Post
The previous posts are pretty much word for word what I thought as I watched that. Stunting on populated roads. Ran a red light. Didn't/couldn't avoid the car. Lack of gear. Freaking out around the injured person. Blaming the person they ran into.

It's one thing to try to sneak through as a light turns red, and having a car from the other way start quicker than you expected. He hit the second car in the intersection. Looked like he went through at pretty much at full speed too (i.e. no intention of stopping). Slo-mo hindsight is always 20/20, but it does look like he might have been able to avoid it.

While I feel that the pilot of the bike is largely responsible for his passenger, including educating them about being on a bike, I feel that the passenger should also have taken some responsibility for her own safety too. Whether it was due to ignorance or not, she made some bad decisions when she got on that bike. Unfortunately, passengers and others without much experience often don't even know that they don't know, interrupting the education process before it even starts.

It seems lower body gear gets ignored a lot. The upper body is more visible, travels farther to hit the ground, and is more exposed on a bike. But in a lot of accidents, your leg/foot will end up under the bike (or between the bike and another vehicle in a case like this). This video is a great example of why you want riding boots. While any injury sucks, there's a lot of stuff going on in your ankle area that can get severely messed up, even in a simple crash like this one.
Do you think a boot would have saved her ankle? I think it would have been bruised or broken, but not completely severed like that! What about riding shoes that have over the ankle support? It looks like to me that she just has tennis shoes on. I wonder if she had ANY kind of riding shoe on would it have saved her?
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