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Old October 15th, 2009, 04:03 PM   #17
Join Date: Nov 2008

Posts: Too much.
Originally Posted by CZroe View Post
Perhaps a meaningful user rating can be derived from the ignore count while still keeping the ignorers anonymous? I think it would work better than Kawiforums where someone who doesn't like something you said (or corrected) can neg you out of spite. Sure, someone could ignore another user just to lower their rating, but they'd be hurting themselves in the process if it were unjustified and the user truly didn't deserve it. Even if we can't see the name, I'm curious to know the number.
how about we all act like adults and get on with more important issues of the board?

I used to feel the way you do, but have come to realize you need to be evaluated by others in every post you make. That way you post only words that truly reflect the person you are.
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