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Old September 7th, 2016, 08:54 AM   #11
FrugalNinja250 certified postwhore
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The so-called "media" isn't a monolithic body, it's actually a widely disparate group of people and corporations with competing and often clashing goals and points of view. Certain political institutions have created the myth of a cohesive "media", but in reality that just doesn't exist. There are plenty of individual reporters and reporting organizations that have high operating standards and ethics, the real challenge is finding them among the sewage that the internet makes so easily accessible in today's times.

Frankly, whenever I hear of the latest story of some conspiracy to take away our "rights" the first place I go is,, and I find that invariably these rumors are just lies and outright attempts to sway people's votes and views.

Believing in and promoting conspiracy theories is a form of mental illness IMHO, and should be treated as such. Seeing a conspiracy theorist is like seeing a person with a big tumor hanging off their face who refuses to seek treatment and refuses to even acknowledge the presence of the tumor.
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