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Old September 22nd, 2016, 05:49 PM   #107
Koala sage
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Name: Koala
Location: Ohio
Join Date: May 2016

Motorcycle(s): 2017 Ninja 300 Winter Test Edition

Posts: 589
MOTM - May '18
lol, thank you thank you

I will be doing two jobs but nothing hard core. My usual fri-sun at the bar and then I was told it's usually around 30 hours or so for the cleaning service. When I was at the car wash and the club I was working anywhere from 30 to 54 hours at the wash and then 3 nights at the club. the first week I was exhausted but after that I ran on pure adrenaline. At least with the bar I have the choice if I want to go in or not and how long I want to stay.

I've thought about recording my dreams before but never have. The ones that seem so real to me that I think are trying to tell me something stick in my head in detail without writing them down. Even the normal dreams stick with me quite a bit. I frequently dream of tornadoes or being in a house in the dark where I feel a bad presence but when I go to turn the lightswitch they won't come on, stuff like that.

As for lucid dreaming, if you would like to try it there are tricks that can work. I often lucid dream where I just know I'm dreaming but controlling them is another ball game. I have to fall asleep with the intent to do so in my mind and then it usually happens.
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