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Old September 26th, 2016, 03:06 PM   #29
shift957 member
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Name: Nate
Location: Central North Carolina
Join Date: Aug 2016

Motorcycle(s): R6, SV 650, 300, 250, 250 xc-w

Posts: 73
Good point, adouglas! Yes, everyone's legs are different. Some have disproportionate femurs, etc... some have 2 different length legs altogether. And some folks just can't take the pressures of their knees bent so far. That is why I added, adjust for comfort.

I don't ever compare body positions to professional racers. The reason why: they train daily, specifically for riding and they do things we simply cannot do for the duration of a track day. I won't say the technique I suggested is the only way, but I do believe it is the the most fitting for the average Joe rider and trackday or amateur racer. Most of those guys are hanging a full cheek + off and I believe because most are shorter than the average person, they alter their leg position to achieve such an aggressive hang off position. It's pretty amazing to me that they can sustain such aggressive bp while pushing so hard for 45 minute races, often in 90+degree heat.

I've heard people complain about stomp grips "wearing out" their leathers. I use them on all my bikes and have worn the same Spidi R2 Wind leathers since 2006. The only reason I retired them this year is I got lazy and didn't wash them enough to get the salts out and use leather conditioner regularly. So they dried out and cracked in the arms. I ride 40+ track days a year. My leathers had what I would call "cosmetic damage" from stomp grips, but certainly not anything that I would consider damaging their ability to keep me safe. Makes me think people do not condition the leather enough and it gets dry and succumbs to the abrasion or maybe (no offense to anyone) is a result of inferior leather/stitching? None the less, there are a few good options out there. I believe Graves makes a smooth clear film that is really thin and pretty sticky. Neat stuff, but I usually have too much conditioner on my leathers for that to work. Especially in the rain! lol

But then again, some people think certain tracks "wear out their boots" because they drag their toes rather than adjust for that certain corner. If you're on trackday junkies or motorider's universe on fb, I'm sure you've heard lots of good ones.

Just remember, there's always more than one way to do everything and not one way works for everyone. And sometimes, nothing works!
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