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Old October 12th, 2016, 06:06 PM   #69
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MOTM - Sep '15
Originally Posted by FrugalNinja250 View Post
So many people apparently didn't pass high school government class, which is odd because you have to pass in order to graduate. Maybe that explains the folks who are terrified that somehow the government is going to get rid of the Second Amendment and come take their guns.

The fact of the matter is that to make a Constitutional Amendment is an incredibly difficult process that takes years and is almost certainly guaranteed to fail. In fact, it is so difficult that in the two hundred and twenty five years since the Bill of Rights, the original set of Amendments, was ratified there have only been seventeen Amendments made. Seventeen in two and a quarter centuries. And one of those, the 18th banning Alcohol, was overturned with the 21st Amendment. The last Amendment was in 1992, and it dealt with Congressional pay timing.

It will take a Constitutional Amendment to overturn the Second Amendment. The highest court of the land has put the final word on the validity of the Second Amendment into permanent history. It's a settled issue. No one's coming to take everyone's guns away, not now, and not for the indefinite future. People that run around saying otherwise are, quite frankly IMHO, mentally ill.
I know how the constitution works, but California seems to be setting a very disturbing tone on gun rights that can and will filter over to the Federal Level.

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