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Old October 13th, 2016, 09:01 AM   #86
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Originally Posted by Panda View Post
Yes, I'd much rather have a DMV for guns. Hunter's have to take a safety course to get a hunting license. The last time I took the safety course it was more about the laws, don't shoot within x feet of a road, don't shoot over a road, don't hunt at night. It assumed I was competent and knowledgeable and knew how to operate and maintain my firearm safely.

Asking a friend or co-worker is nice but what if I don't have a friend or co-worker. What if my friends and co-workers also don't know anything about firearms?

Full disclosure I own multiple firearms - rifles, shotguns, and handguns. I've been hunting since I was in elementary school.
Police Departments would also be available. Heck I even remember stuff from intermediate school about courses available. Just going to a legit gun shop the people will show you the ropes and there are plenty of gun ranges that would allow you to start small and gain the knowledge. Responsibility is on you afterwards, and that's what really needs to be addressed.

Spoiler for topic:
It might just be the [you] tag
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