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Old October 13th, 2016, 11:42 AM   #105
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MOTM - Oct '12, Feb '14
my opinion is this...

libertarians- sure, your policy makes sense to you, living in the middle of nowhere, you dont see or aparently need much government, and you dont want to pay taxes because of it. cool. vote libertarian. all 12 of you.

republicans- i get it. you dont like people who you believe are immoral. and you want to stop them from being immoral bastards. maybe you even believe they should be more christian. maybe you very strong ideas about what america is, and you hate that other people are tarnishing that image with things like cultural immigration, strong religious people (who arent your religion) coming in trying to have things their way. i get it. you dont like people who dont agree with you. maybe you think obama's trying to take our guns. vote for whoever the hell you want. that's your right.

democrats- i know i know. the entire government is full of ****. but you want someone who at least tries to pretend to represent you. you want someone who at least will put a liberal justice in the SCOTUS. vote hillary. or whoever the **** you want.

my point is- democracy works when you vote for the people who represent you. when you are the minority, guess what- you get less votes. the people who are represented more get more votes. this is called fairness. don't go and tell other people their views are wrong. libertarian views may make zero ****ing sense in a populous area, that doesn't mean it doesn't make sense in the middle of nowhere. republican views make zero sense outside of the south or rich white areas. that doesn't mean you get to tell them their views are wrong.

have your view. explain your view. vote by your view. everyone else can do the same. there's zero point telling people their view is wrong. if they want to vote for a racist biggot, that is their decision. that is who they want to be represented by.

me? i'll write in sanders. am i a tiny minority? yes. am i going to tell you your views are wrong? probably, but i shouldn't. because everyone is entitled to their own ****ed up retarded opinion.
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