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Old December 2nd, 2016, 05:56 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by MrAtom View Post
This last time, I got some leftover turkey and threw it in the pot with the bone still on. It made an amazing broth. I've got some left over. I'mma go get me some of that.

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Hey cool... you're a real cook!

That's called "stock" and is a cooking staple. If you add salt it becomes "broth." (Next time you're grocery shopping, take a look at labels in the soup aisle.)

Meat-based stock made right is very healthy... almost no fat, lots of protein. Use it to make rice, soup... anything where you'd use water, you can use stock.

I make stock all the time... when we're too lazy to cook for real, we get a rotisserie chicken from the market, strip all the meat off, and make stock out of the carcass and skin.

Tips for next time:

Throw the carcass in a pot, including skin and fat. Cover it with water, add some herbs and an onion if you like (no salt!), cover and simmer for at least three hours... how long isn't important, but keep everything covered with water.

Strain out the skin and bones. The liquid that's left will have a lot of fat in it.

(Bonus tip: Keep your garbage stink- and bug-free by throwing the carcass in a big freezer bag and storing it in the freezer until trash day.)

Let the pot cool off, then put it in the refrigerator overnight. The fat floating on top will have solidified. Skim the solidified fat off and get rid of it (give it to the dog, whatever).

Freeze/use the stock. I like to portion it out in 2-cup containers, which is the right amount for making rice.
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