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Old October 23rd, 2009, 06:17 AM   #1
ARF07 member
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Name: Nathan
Location: West Georgia
Join Date: Mar 2009

Motorcycle(s): Yamaha R6

Posts: 145
Went down for real

My friends and I were riding up to Deals Gap yesterday, and two of us went down at the exact same time (both 250's). I got tossed about 40ft into the woods and on the way hit a tree with my back. My bike JUST missed my friend, going right over his head. Luckily for us there was a guy on a ZX-6 who decided we looked like a fun group to ride with and was behind us when it happened. He works on an ambulance so he called one and then came down and held my head in place (because I smacked my head pretty hard) while we waited for the EMT's to come. One of the EMT's had the sense to take my gear off before we got to the hospital because he rode and knew they would cut it off me when I got there.

Spent from about 2pm to 1am in the ER. The had to run multiple tests for internal bleeding since they couldn't figure out when my heartbeat was jumping to 130 when I tried to stand up. Overall they told me I got very very lucky. Sore neck, high ankle sprain, and very sprained lower back w/ lots of bruises. It could be a lot worse if I hadn't been wearing all my gear.

Anyways, I've got to call the insurance company and deal w/ them today. Does anyone know how good Progressive is with their payouts? I had full coverage on the bike, and I'd like to get another one but I can't if they low ball me
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