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Old January 26th, 2017, 01:46 PM   #1
Private Joker
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Name: Ben
Location: Towson, MD
Join Date: Nov 2012

Motorcycle(s): '99/'01 Ninja 250 "sketchy", '13 Ninja 300 "yoshi", '03 GSXR 600 "merlin"

Posts: A lot.
MOTM - Mar '14
Off season fitness training

Since not everyone is able to ride year round we need to stay in shape somehow so we don't end up weighing our bikes down at the start of the season I figured I'd start a discussion so we can share tips and tricks for staying optimally fit across the off season. I'll start with what I'm doing and hopefully everyone posts up what they're doing as well.

The way I see it is a three part process, the first being to stay active physically and the second being to stay active mentally. Finally the last step is eating a well balanced diet according to your body and goals.

With my goal being to drop back down to 140lbs (sitting around 170 now, down 5lbs in the last two weeks) my regime is largely cardio focused with a dash of lifting added in. I don't do anything super intensive so it's a daily routine.

Jogging: alternating between 1 mile and 3 miles every other day. I don't jog at a constant rate, I alternate between sprinting and a light jog in a high intensity interval training manner
Cycling: I have an indoor setup with rollers so I can't measure by distance until the weather gets warmer so I measure by time. I cycle while I play CoD with sprints in between matches. Typically twice a day for about 20-30 minute sessions (yes this destroys my K-D in the game but it's worth it)

I have a set of 15lb free weights that I use with the following exercises:
-curls, start counting to 10 after it starts hurting
-crunches, one dumbbell held straight above my chest. Same count as above
-lateral raises, 5 total for now (these are brutal)

Mental aspect:
This is the easiest part, It's simple. Set apart 15 minutes a day to meditate. It increases mental focus and seems to also increase my general happiness and attitude as well.

Diet (the most difficult part):
-I am using a few supplements to assist with weight loss, provided by evlution nutrition
-I have also cut out all soda, bread, empty carb snacks, energy drinks, and alcohol
-Calories are not the enemy, carbs are the enemy so all of this is relatively interchangeable so long as the diet sticks with a low carb philosophy
-Drinking 8 glasses of water daily
-2 egg whites and a strawberry banana smoothie (or mixed berry smoothie)
-Tuna salad/shrimp salad/chicken salad
-a banana
-blackened chicken/steak/fish
-broccoli/spinach/asparagus/snap peas
-celery with hummus or ranch

I'm thinking about finding a way to add in yoga for the flexibility but time is an issue at this point

Now that I've written a book what is everyone's fitness and diet regime like?
I see you over there seeing me, do you see the me I think you see?
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