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Old March 16th, 2017, 10:21 PM   #15
SchaffDogg member
Name: Daniel
Location: Fair Oaks, CA
Join Date: Jul 2016

Motorcycle(s): 2009 EX250J

Posts: 23
Thank you to all who are sympathetic and helpful toward my question. however i am very turned off from this forum due to being mocked for asking for help. I said rape in my title, and I'm not sorry. Holey ****, Get over it. That's what happened to my bike. I felt it was raped.

Definition of rape
raped; raping
transitive verb
a archaic : to seize and take away by force
b : despoil
: to commit rape on
raper noun
rapistplay \ˈrā-pist\ noun

Copied and pasted the Merriam-Webster definition of rape.
heres a link:

I am disgusted by peoples Recreational Outrage on WORDS they themselves are not actually even offended by, but look at it more as an opportunity to be part of a group attack on an individual. i will continue to use any words i so chose to. Furthermore, I quite honestly don't give a ****ing **** if any pussy ass faggots get angry about that.

Mr.Atom. you sir, are a Faggot. notice how no one else cares that i said rape?
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