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Old June 27th, 2017, 05:09 PM   #16
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MOTM - July '15
I'm 20ish, so my experience is probably going to differ from yours, but here's what I've got:

How to get some wicked-hot slash/girlfriend/whatever:

Get a read on them before you ask for a number or something. I once saw a dude say nothing to a cashier except a mumbled "canigeturnumber...?" The tiniest amount of smalltalk could have made that go smoother and be less awkward. Dude was probably nervous but honestly, make a joke or something. Even if you're a godlike muscle-man and just her type, you'll get much further if you can prove you're worth their time through your actions. The way I see it, if they don't like my dumb jokes we're incompatible, anyway.

Another really awkward but more common thing I see is dudes talking to girls that clearly aren't interested. If they just want you to leave, ****ing leave. Don't hold them verbally hostage. You're not going to convince them of anything. They're not even listening to you at this point. I once saw a dude in Autozone doing this to a female employee that I kinda knew, so I went in and leaned on the counter next to him all coquettishly asking him dumb questions in a flirty female-sounding voice. He got annoyed/embarrassed and left.

Also, remember that even if you get frustrated, don't take it out on them. That's some freaky, rapey-looking stuff when you see a dude screaming at a girl because she didn't thank him for getting the door for her. Thanking them for their time and apologizing for the inconvenience should suffice (depending on how annoyed they seem).

Good places to meet people, women, or anyone else:

If you're an active person, mountain bike trails, walking trails, etc.
Dances, clubs, etc as mentioned
Local music scene (just make sure they're of age)
Church (Not joking)
Google: "Things to do in [YOUR CITY]" and there will be people there. Make it fun, too and bring a friend to these so worst case scenario, you had a good time with one of your pals.

Bad places to meet people, women, whatever:

Their place of work. They probably get hit on all day and would rather not, no matter how witty or attractive you are. They just wanna serve you your coffee and move on.


I'm fond of the book How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. It's been in print for a long time and, while I do have my issues with it, it's something I can recommend for any interpersonal relationship advice. Good book for sure.
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