Thread: Bicycles!
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Old July 13th, 2017, 09:26 AM   #2033
Livin' the Minimoto Life
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Originally Posted by Brother Michigan View Post
Everyone speeds; everyone doesn't run red lights, and beyond that, it doesn't matter what everybody else does. Running red lights and stop signs is a specific infraction committed by some cyclists that pisses motorists off. There is no equivalency there.
So because everyone does it makes it less illegal?

I'll just start running reds and make it a trend, then everyone will do it and it will be okay.

I think the big thing is that if a motorist sees another motorist do something kind of stupid, they tend to blow it off and shake their head. But a bike doing it, then it is "CALL THE COPS! WHO DO THEY THINK THEY ARE! MORONS!"

It is rather hypocritical.

I see cars rolling through reds making right hand turns ALL THE TIME. They roll through stop signs ALL THE TIME in my neighborhood. Yet a bike rolls through a stop sign, and they freak; even though I'm pretty sure they have rolled through stop signs before as well (at least to some degree). I mean a "california roll" through a stop sign is still the same as driving through it at 30mph. You still failed to stop. There is no grey area. I believe the proper stop technique for a car is stop, feel the car rock slightly, and then you have made a complete stop.
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