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Old July 23rd, 2017, 07:14 AM   #1
Cat herder
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MOTM - Jul '18, Nov '16, Aug '14, May '13
"Those who have, and those who will..."

I hear this all the time. Most recently this morning:

"There are two kinds of riders. Those who have crashed, and those who will."

I call b*llsh!t. I do not accept that crashing is inevitable.

Just my $0.02. Feel free to disagree.

Let's put this nonsense in context.

"There are two kinds of pedestrians. Those who have gotten hit by a car, and those who will."

"There are two kinds of swimmers. Those who have drowned, and those who will."

"There are two kinds of cooks. Those who have cut a fingertip off with a sharp knife, and those who will."

"There are two kinds of men. Those who have gotten a woman pregnant, and those who will."

Insane statements, right? Yet they use the exact same flawed logic.

Do I believe I will never crash? Of course not! Crashes happen. Believing you're immune is just as absurd as believing it's inevitable.

But I never get on the bike assuming that a crash WILL happen. That mindset makes it more likely to occur.
I am NOT an adrenaline junkie, I'm a skill junkie. - csmith12

Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est.
Heri historia. Cras mysterium. Hodie donum est. Carpe diem.
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