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Old August 30th, 2017, 10:00 PM   #45
Socially inept. Yet FUN!
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Join Date: Oct 2015

Motorcycle(s): Current machines- 1992 SECA II 600, 2006 Ninja 250, 2008 Ninja 250

Posts: 231

flight sims. Mostly WWII, but a few modern and WWI. (Sturmovik, LOMAC, etc.) And once in a while general aviation, like MSFS series.

( If by any means you guys are interested in having a very low cost "cockpit" build for your flight sims, look into the "ABC" (AKERS BARNES COCKPIT) You can keep it simple, to fully decked out. (Based loosely on the F-16) Track-Ir usage is a must have.

"Arma II/III " series by Bohemia Interactive. The only current FPS/Combat simulator that uses Track-Ir for head control.( that I am aware of) and full HOTAS usage I just can't play a game that is first person, without Track-Ir, and HOTAS control. Yeah.. Im a purist when it comes to sims.

EVE online... I stupidly lovingly hate this fine game of...spreadsheets and massive online single server space battles. Almost Game of Thrones. In space, with exploration, scanning, wormholes, mining, careers, and real time skill learning/manufacturing, and serious player controlled industrial take overs and scams. It's just a crazy game.

I am an "ex" gaming addict. So I don't play as much, and I have allowed my PC (and games) become outdated. But when I allow myself some time. Those are my choices. I am sure it's newer versions are better. But these are all pretty solid.
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