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Old October 24th, 2017, 09:23 AM   #23
Ram Jet certified postwhore
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Originally Posted by adouglas View Post
The thing that drives me nuts over stuff like this... pseudoscience, "fringe" science, conspiracy theories (Things THEY don't want you to know!)... is that all of it is self-propagating. It's more akin to religion than the scientific method, because it's based on belief and hearsay rather than objective evidence, repeatable results and peer review. Anything that doesn't align with the claim is by definition part of the conspiracy to suppress the "truth" so no matter what argument you bring to the table, it is automatically ignored.

Just look at the vaccine mess. Despite the ONE study on which the whole freakin' thing is based being clearly and unequivocally debunked by the very journal that printed it in the first place, we still have people swallowing the whole thing hook, line and sinker. We've had measles outbreaks as a result. People are getting hurt. IDIOTS!!!!!!
That's the reason I don't get a flu shot. Back in the 70s elderly people were dieing like flies from it. Doctors tell me today that all that's changed - yada yada yada. Now I just take flew shots.

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results each time.
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