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Old November 16th, 2017, 06:50 PM   #457
Ram Jet certified postwhore
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Originally Posted by isuoboe View Post
Actually, I think what I said came out weird. What you said would be true almost anywhere I think, including here. I would be just as inclined to at least say "hi" walking by another person carrying a helmet (since I would know they were a rider) as I am waving at them on the road.

I am not what many people think of as a typical biker; I have yet to find anyone NOT surprised to find I ride a motorcycle. When one college student of mine expressed such surprise, I said, "I'm not your typical biker; I'd like to have a bike so quiet I could ride up next to you and say, 'boo' and scare you."

As a non-biker "type," I guess I expect to be an outcast with biker types. I realize that most bikers (and people!) are nice guys even if they get a kick out of looking like rebels!--and, in fact, they are not prejudiced about me as I sounded like I am about them.

Sorry to get so philosophical.
I grew up in a small town in upstate New York, Penn Yan. It has a population of about 5,000 people. When you passed someone walking on the street everyone said "Hi". Move 90 miles North to Rochester, New York, population 208,000, say "Hi" to someone on the street and they look at you like you're a serial killer.

I say "Hi" to everyone and waive at fellow bikers on the road. I also say Merry Freakin' Christmas. It doesn't make me a bad person.

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results each time.
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