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Old January 31st, 2018, 12:05 PM   #38
spent_too_much guru
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Name: Miguel
Location: MA
Join Date: Jan 2015

Motorcycle(s): 2000 EX-250; several other years of the same

Posts: 470
I have been searching for a matching yellow - hoping to get lucky with nail polish, or touch up paint ( remember, I don't wan to spend big $$ on Color Right paint ). I found a cheap nail polish that looked promising, but when dry, was way off.

Anyway, even if I do get the Color Right paint, the sections where the decals were, are a lighter shade than the rest, so I need to paint it all no matter what.

A friend of mine suggested just painting it all, a readily available shade of yellow, instead of hunting down a random match. This seems like good advise, given the wild goose chace that I embarked upon.

So, I am REALLY living up to my screen name now, given that I had all of the spare fairings already, if I were to paint them.

At least it is back together, and I was able to ride twice in the last couple of weeks.
... can't stop updating the bike!
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