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Old December 3rd, 2009, 07:58 PM   #10
Dmitriy's Avatar
Name: Dmitriy
Location: Bay Area, CA
Join Date: Oct 2009

Motorcycle(s): .... & a Ninja 250 duh

Posts: 65
First bike I got had 600 miles when I bought it in August (SV650) by November of that year I had 6k miles on it. Its all history from there but its safe to say I had under 10k when I did my first trackday. I was hooked from then on. Here are my suggestions:

1. Find someone close by to you to take you to your first trackday. They can help you with getting you bike there (very important in case you bin it) and take care of little things like show you how to go through tech, replace the antifreeze with water wetter, suggest tire pressures etc... (If I ever decide to down a trackday in LA area I'll let you know)

2. Work with an instructor(s) all day long. listen and write down everything they say.

3. Get some more group riding miles in you it will help a lot for not having to think about operating the bike.

4. Have fun.

P.S. here is your admin enjoying himself:
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