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Old April 15th, 2020, 01:49 AM   #30
Mohawk guru
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Name: Chris
Location: Bristol, UK
Join Date: Feb 2016

Motorcycle(s): ZZR250, VFR800

Posts: 479
Hey, give the gal a break. **** happens, but you should never be in fear of your hard won personal belongings being stolen from your own property. We need to go back to the old days of hanging horse thieves. If anyone stole mine, I’d track them down & burry them, which is what they deserve.

Up north in the UK a few years ago, you could hire an A-Team. There had been a large number of bike thefts, so the A-Team, used to plant a juicy bike in plain sight & wait in a van near it over night. When the crooks took the bait, they would pop out beat the crap out of them with bats, then call the cops & leave the perpetrators tied up for the cops to arrest. As always the cops were more interested in catching the A-Team for doing the cops job & making them look bad, than nailing the thieving scum to the wall

So leave the gal alone with your smart arsed comments & work on your own A-Team.

Sorry to hear your bikes were stolen, I hope your leads pan out & you get the bad guys caught & hopefully recover you bikes.
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