Thread: Ninja Tool Kit
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Old January 11th, 2010, 11:47 AM   #16
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Name: Casey
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Here is my ninja tool kit. This is how it was before this thread began as well.
I like to be prepared and I do take my bike offroad, so some of the stuff in here might seem a little extreme but I could get stuck 3 miles back in the mountains in the snow one day so I think forward.

Empty tail box with battery tender wire.

Here was all the stuff in my tail piled up from when I had the bike apart for modification recently.

Here is the stock tool kit with all the included tools, even the screwdriver. I push it off to the side some so I still have half the storage area left.

This bag takes up most of the other half of the storage. It contains a piece of sand paper, and emergency blanket, a stack of quarters (about $3 worth) vacuum caps, those vacuum hose clamps, a folding mini box cutter, waterproof matches with shock packing, the whole thing is double bagged to keep water out too.

Here's the bag placed in the box.

Now I shove the tender jumper cable in there for the heck of it or maybe I have to jump the bike one day away from home. Then strap the bottom box of stuff down.

Now for the owner's manual, riding instructions booklet, warranty, rain poncho, crescent wrench, 10mm (can never have too many of these) and a bunch of rags for emergency.

Here they are installed in the bike. Not really smashed in there either or hard to remove at all.

A rag fits in the fender on this side..

my disk lock reminder cable fits in the fender in the other side..

And there you have it.

Now you just have to learn the trick for closing the tail lid effortlessly.

Ready for California street warfare
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