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Old June 17th, 2023, 09:00 PM   #127
Bob KellyIII
Retired motorcycle Mc.
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Name: Robert
Location: Weed, California.
Join Date: Jul 2021

Motorcycle(s): 2012 Kawasaki Ninja 250R, 2021 CSC TT250, 1977 Triumph Bonneville 750cc,2001 Honda XR650L.

Posts: A lot.
yah I suspect it is as well.... they just add acetone to their powder and sell it for 3 times the amount.... typical !
Acetone dries extreamily fast I wouldn't think it takes a day between applications.... but if you have the time why not right ?
.... One thing I remember about Acetone is that it will desolve almost anything but wood..... just about any plastics ! so I bet they use it to thin most plastics that are out there....
I made the mistake and left a big wide puddy knife in a pan of Acetone when I was helping my Dad in his autobody shop one time.... the blade and a ring was all that was left of the puddy knife the next day.... it is extreamily volitile as well Dad carted home a 55 gallon barrel of used Acetone ,paint thinner and enamel reducer so we could start our brush piles on fire..... ...pour on a 5 gal bucket full on it but do NOT wait ....light it imediately ....
Dad and I came up with a very safe method of lighting it he would pour the Acetone and I would take a can of gasoline and start a trail at the brush pile and back about 25~40ft.... when he was clean he would yell hit it son ! and I'ed take the torch striker and hit the gasoline and back up a long way....
the gas would usually get to about 5 feet from the Acetone and then it would ignite the fumes and WOOM .... that usually burned even green wood
as we were clearing land at the ranch at that time and that stuff didn't want to burn at all.... a cupule hits with the Acetone did the trick though
....and you do not want to re light it with Acetone when there might be hot coals under the we waited days between ignition !
one time we didn't have any spare gasoline and dad wanted to start a brush pile I looked around and asked my sister if I could use her hair sprey and she looked suspiciously at me and said for what ? so I said to light the brush pile
she said I gott'a see this and followed me out I had my handy dandy flint and lighter fluid lighter in one hand and the hair sprey in the other... held the lighter about 18" away from the hair sprey and struck the lighter and then hit the hair sprey it shot a cone of flame about 8' ....Dad saw that and said ok get ready and then he splashed the Acetone on the brush pile and said Hit it son I did and it went KAWHOOMP and I picked myself off the ground laughing hysterically. he put alot on it that time ! .....some times I wonder how I survived my youth ! HAHAHAHAHA
Its too late when you've gone too far !
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