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Old July 27th, 2023, 11:30 PM   #41
Bob KellyIII
Retired motorcycle Mc.
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Name: Robert
Location: Weed, California.
Join Date: Jul 2021

Motorcycle(s): 2012 Kawasaki Ninja 250R, 2021 CSC TT250, 1977 Triumph Bonneville 750cc,2001 Honda XR650L.

Posts: A lot.
AHHHH ! ok thank you NOW I understand ! so there wasn't a thing wrong with the torch
the machine just didn't work ! for some reason.
OK.... that changes things a bit....
I know that in welding alot of the times you need to change the polarity of the electrodes
which for my Lincoln AC 225 welder is impossable because it has no provisions for changing the polarity.... My other AC/DC welder had a humgous switch that changed polarity so I could weld cast iron ,and Aluminum with the stick welder ! (that is why I got it.... I needed to weld cast Iron !) however it burned up in the Ranch fire !
and only the AC welder survived .
so they do make a adaptor so you can switch polarities ! that is good to know
However I doubt I would need that anytime soon as I no longer live on the Ranch anymore ! <GRIN>
I'm liking the looks of the VEVOR welder better than any of the others...
but I will still have to go get a bottle of Argon from 70 miles away ! but if I am ever going to fix the teeth on the Logan lathe gears by Silicone bronze brazing I'll have to !
( I am aware of the necessity of pre heating cast iron gears ! )
as a side note I learned the pre heating trick the hard way.... I had a starter snorkel
that kept breaking on the furgie tractor at the ranch.... I welded it 3 times and it broke
every time right beside the weld. I read somewhere that preheating cast iron before you weld was important... so I got ready to weld it again with the cast iron rod on my AC/DC welder and then tossed the snorkel in the brush fire I had going.... hours later it was glowing red.... so I dug it out of the ashes and took it to the welding bench set up and welded it again..... and after it was welded I put it beck in the fire to releave the stress
created by welding and it got cherry red again.... the next day after the fire was out
I pulled it out, cleaned it off ,painted it, and re installed the starter ...and it never broke again ! it was still going 15 years later when I sold it !
I have sense learned you only have to reach about 500 degrees not cherry red !
but cherry red won't hurt !
thank You Danno ! you taught me something tonight ! ( a rare occurrence anymore !)
all you would have had to say is they changed things Bob they use the shielding as the power cord now..... HAHAHAHA ! But thank you for persevering and getting it through my thick skull ! HAHAHAH!
Its too late when you've gone too far !
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