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Old August 13th, 2023, 01:55 AM   #3
Bob KellyIII
Retired motorcycle Mc.
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Name: Robert
Location: Weed, California.
Join Date: Jul 2021

Motorcycle(s): 2012 Kawasaki Ninja 250R, 2021 CSC TT250, 1977 Triumph Bonneville 750cc,2001 Honda XR650L.

Posts: A lot.
Well, personally I think going a big street bike is a mistake.... I went that route once, I got a VT1100 Honda just because it was BIG.... and it was ! but it takes 3 men and a small boy to pick it up if it falls over ! at over 800lbs ! it's weight is low however so I could do it myself on a good day with the adrenaline flowing
.... but there is no real advantage to having a great big bike that I can see
a 500cc to 750cc is more than plenty for cruising with. the problem with that is most of that size range are sport bikes, and 90% of them are not something I want to be on for 500 miles at a time. Harleys are built strong but are too heavy in my book but they do cruise better than most, the rider position is superb on a Harley usually. but the added weight of that big mill makes them impractical for anything but long trips
for trips on a bike you want the upright sitting position not leaning forward
like on most crotch rockets leg position is also important extra
"Highway pegs" really do help alot on long trips. handle bars at slightly lower than shoulder height makes for a comfortable ride but having your hands that high does take some getting used too most handle bars are about waste high..... slightly higher than that is great, but by no means higher than your shoulders, you cannot control the bike good enough when the hands are that high....
the best advice I can give a person on getting a cruiser is Don't ! just use the bike you ride daily !if you are wanting to tour the US and spend hundreds of hours in the saddle then yes you need a cruiser.... but going too big is a big mistake.... for me the biggest bike I will ever own now is a 750cc no need to go bigger and it's light enough for me to horse around

My Cruiser now is a Old 1977 Triumph Bonnyville 750cc it has no hard cases on it yet, and it is pirty much stock but it is the most comfortable bike I have ever owned..... except for the Buzz you get after an hour of riding, that big twin does vibrate alot ! but I know I can grab my back pack strap it on the back with bungee cords and go to Alaska if I so desire...the bike can handle it.... I doubt I could though ! LOL
Your ideas of what a good bike for you are far more important than other peoples opinions of what a good bike is, bikes come in all shapes and sizes
and sense your bikes are on the small size I suggest you get a USED midsized bike a 500cc or so bike one that can cruise at 80mph all day (most of them will do that) and ride that for a few months and see what your desires tell you then.... you may say bigger is indeed better or you may say that the 500cc is more than enough .... and you can add luggage capacity to any bike
so anything really can become Your Cruiser !
A Honda 450cc is a gem of a bike but are getting hard to find they have the power and reliability you need for Cruising
.... it's a thought
Its too late when you've gone too far !
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