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Old September 17th, 2023, 03:36 AM   #12
Bob KellyIII
Retired motorcycle Mc.
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Name: Robert
Location: Weed, California.
Join Date: Jul 2021

Motorcycle(s): 2012 Kawasaki Ninja 250R, 2021 CSC TT250, 1977 Triumph Bonneville 750cc,2001 Honda XR650L.

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LOL I understand the getting air ! Me too ! but I don't get carried away with it !
Don't get me wrong I am NOT saying everyone should lower their bikes ! you simply don't have to.... but if you DO you will find your bike is ever so much easier to deal with !
you each their own ! when I started riding in I think it was 1968 maybe 65 not real sure on that.... I was also a horse rider and rode bare back alot of the time.... that teaches you to squeeze the tank with your legs, if you don't on a horse they will make a quick side step and watch you fall off ! our horse "Sugar" did that to us Kids and you could see she was laughing her ass off ! yes she was ornery and a pet she would come into the house if we let her ! ...but I liked riding the bike better than riding the horse...the bike did what I told it to not so much the horse ! going over the logs that she would jump though took a long time to figure out how to do without tearing up the bike ... but I did finally accomplish it and did every log she did.... my sister on the horse and me on my bike and I kept up ! one log was 3' in diameter that was a bugger to get over ! but I did it ! LOL wheel up engine on the log and let the momentum carry you over..... you can't be reluctant or you will not make it, it's all or nothing !
.... in my youth I had very good balance.... now not so much ! I think it is one of those use it or loose it things ! .... although my riding has helped that alot I am not good at balancing any more..... I had a 20' 2x4 laying on the ground by the barn when I was a kid and I practiced riding on it with my bike ...I think now I would be lucky to do 10 feet !.... I've used that skill several times on the highway.... when you need to "thread the needle" with your bike you have to know how to do it !!!
I would imagen you do that every track day if you don't you go down !
that is too much for this old man, but I do admire the skill it takes when I see it !
I think I've watched every video she put out on "short riders" but I totally disagree with her conclusions.... Yes you can gain the skills to ride a big tall heavy bike but you don't have to, just lower the damm thing !!!! but that is not what she is teaching !
I've never seen a video on youtube about Lowering any motorcycle but 95%of the bikes being sold today need that badly..... so why is that ? I suppose because like you they have been riding tall bikes all their lives and along the way they learned how to do it
so they don't NEED to lower it..... however when the fella is as old as dirt and rode low bikes in his youth he is going to have a wake up call when it comes to riding todays bikes.... it doesn't have to be that way.... even for old codgers.... just lower the bike !
..... lol that's what I say and I'm stickin' to it !
.... and I did get the pictures to work ! ta-da !
Its too late when you've gone too far !
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