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Old October 19th, 2023, 01:18 PM   #9
abad89 member
Name: Anthony
Location: NJ
Join Date: Oct 2023

Motorcycle(s): 17 Ninja 300

Posts: 10
Hmmmm how difficult would you say a clutch plate replacement is to do?

Not sure if it's related or if it's me not knowing what I'm doing (I've never used a manual transmission before getting the bike), and this is a bit difficult to describe, but sometimes if I'm shifting too quickly perhaps, I'll have very high RPM but not much acceleration, and then the RPM will drop back down to where it should be and I'll accelerate like normal. It seems to happy like if I let the clutch go before RPMs have dropped enough for the next gear. Like If I go all the way to like 12k in first with full throttle, and then shift to 2nd really quick without letting it drop enough, it'll just go right back to 12k and I won't accelerate very much, and if I hold the throttle in the same spot, after a couple seconds it'll like "catch up" and the RPM drop back down a little and then I'll start to accelerate. ANy idea what I'm talking about? Or is my bike messed up? It's gonna explode huh?
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