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Old January 30th, 2010, 04:03 PM   #25
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I am definitely anti-apple, and as I said, I will probably never own one of their products.

My main problem with Apple is the company itself. Every commercial is made to bash Windows and talk about how crappy Windows is and how superior OSX is, but then most users have to put Windows on their macs to do anything. I don't have a problem with OSX, but stop bashing Windows (which btw 75% of the ads are completely false statements about Windows).
Macs are great for mainly two types of people.
1) Those who surf the web and do NOTHING else aside form maybe some Itunes stuff.
2) Photo editing.
For everyone else that likes to download programs, mess around with things, try new games, etc....Macs are virtually pointless because you have to install whats the point then?

My Ex-GF was talked into buying a Mac by her professor who raved about how great they are. We were in an architecture major. Well guess what....AutoCAD, a necessary program (plus many others), doesnt work on OSX, so she had to dual boot Windows. So multiple times a day she would have to shutdown and reboot back and forth between OSX and Windows because the Adobi suite was in OSX and the 3d modeling programs were Windows.
Thats a case where a Mac was utterly useless and her professor was a moron.

As far as Windows stability...that comes to the users. I haven't had Windows crash in at least a year on either of my computers (ones XP the other is Vista). In fact, Vista has never crashed on me. The difference between OSX and Windows is that OSX doesn't let you screw it up like Windows. (Which is the reason I put Linux on my moms computer, so she cant crew it up).
Despite the ridiculous commercials, Macs CAN and DO crash, and it's usually an update or the Users fault, just like Windows. :-P

And the NOT a true tablet, which is what most of the negative comments in this thread have been about. It runs the Iphone OS which can't do a whole lot and it can't multitask.
I honestly would have been impressed by it (even for $2-300 more!) if it could multi-task and came with OSX (which is actually perfect for a tablet)
2008 Green 250R
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