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Old April 11th, 2010, 12:02 PM   #93
You are sleeping
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Name: Casey
Location: LMFAO!!!
Join Date: Nov 2009

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I didn't crash earlier that day taking tighter corners at higher speeds.

It was a line thing, amongst lots of other things. But not my body position.

You don't have to be tucked to drag a knee successfully. Saying you do would be wrong.
You can't even tell for sure if I'm tucked or positioned right or not in those videos. You guys are talking out your asses. Do you have iPhones mounted on your (stock height) handlebars at that angle to study video of with mirrors on your race bike?

I look at my videos from earlier that day and see I had my shoulders in to the lean just fine. My positioning looked great 5 minutes before I crashed. But I don't feel like posting more videos to drag this out because anybody can disagree with anything I say all day long. I don't really care to hear about it. You all think I don't want to learn when you have no idea who I am or what was taking place at that time in my life.

I was the one there, and I know how my camera is mounted and how all the angles go down.. and if asking a racer how to get started in track school is not wanting to learn, I don't know what wanting to learn is.

No, I wasn't riding perfect track body positioning for that one particular corner that I'll be judged on forever, but IMO you don't have to, in order to get your knee down without crashing. I never said I was an expert nor did I say I think I'm hot sh*t to anybody. You all put those words in my mouth for me.
__________________________________________________ <Yeah, it's a 250.
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