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Old January 9th, 2009, 07:52 PM   #4
Join Date: Nov 2008

Posts: Too much.
wow... you make me glad to live in Hicksville.

I think you've done a large part already by anticipating what the driver is going to do. If I can, I try to watch thier eyes... that tells a lot of their next moves. Other skills are to recognize danger areas and where to pre place yourself to avoid being in the "hot" zone to begin with.

Reading some books might help as the scenarios we all go through each day have been a source of problems for many others riders other than ourselves. Armed with knowledge, one can prepare for the ride long before we even get on the bike. When I'm gearing up for a ride, I'm mentally preparing myself to be sure to be in the "radar" mode once I get on to the bike.

You are right, though... even if you are in the "right", a tangle with a car/truck against a bike will always result with you being the "loser". It's one of the inherent dangers of riding a motorcycle and something we as good riders need to compensate for to stay safe.

While you can't do anything about how the other driver drives, you are in total control of your side of the equation. Use that to your advantage to ride safe and aware to stay alive.
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