Thread: Bad day...
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Old July 6th, 2010, 07:54 PM   #1
CPT Falcon
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Name: J.Emmett Turner
Location: Newnan, GA
Join Date: Apr 2009

Motorcycle(s): '08 CP Blue EX250J, '97 unpainted EX250F, 2nd '97 unpainted EX250F (no engine), '07 black EX250F

Posts: A lot.
Bad day...


I twisted my thumb pretty badly (out of the socket and back in) and couldn't even cancel my turn indicators on the motorcycle, so I left in my sister's car when I went to pick up an order from Best Buy. When I returned around 1PM, the enclosed dumpster I parkmy bike behind was full (assigned parking spaces in a condo lot). When I came back out several hours later, one of the two lids to the dumpster was missing and the trash had been emptied. When open, it dangles over the edge of the enclosure and over my bike in the parking space beside it, so I immediately inspected my bike for damage and found dark scuff marks all over the right side tail piece... the very same piece I replaced less than a couple months ago for a much smaller/more minor blemish.

I noticed months ago that the lid hinge was bad on one side of the dumpster and mentioned it to the garbage truck operator the last two or three times I saw one. They did nothing. The lid is completely gone... not lying in my space, behind, underneath, or around the dumpster, or anything, so I'm pretty sure it happened when the dumpster was emptied.

Waste Management INSISTED that the dumpsters are owned by the condo HOA/Management, despite being serviced by them almost daily and being emblazoned with their logo and phone number. Actually, they saiud "owned and rented," which sounds like an oxymoron to me (unless they are rented TO waste management by the property owners... ridiculous). He insisted that their contract put 100% responsibility on the HOA/Management for any issues arriving out of the dumpster or its placement, even if I told the drivers about the problem (honestly, who better to fix the problem than the dumpster's own supplier? Who else even could?!). I said that in that case I could really use their driver as a witness, considering that there is no lid around to show cause/contact. I even said that if he truly is not liable, then he should have no problem providing a statement for the HOA/Management. I didn't even get a note on the bike. The call center guy just insisted that he doesn't even owe me that because the driver is not liable. I explained that, if true, I am not saying that he owes me anything. I am simply asking him to do his duty as a concerned witness like I would if I witnessed an accident and had no other liability, fault, or involvement. He just said that he's from a call center in Phoenix and couldn't tell me who was there even if he wanted to. So what?! SOMEONE can. Tell me who can. Who can I contact NEXT to find my witness?! Grrr.

Anyway, I called the HOA, Howerton Management, and, sure enough, they said that Waste Management is responsible, just like I thought in the first place. Now I'm caught in between their blame-swap. They can't just say stuff is in the contract and blow me off without it being true, so I sure hope that there are some reprecusions. It's probably the cheapest fairing on the bike but I don't even want to see if it'll mostly clean/polish off until at least someone responsible has seen it as is. It's not like an $80 part is going to require subpeonas to find my witness (or at-fault person, depending on who you believe), but this is ridiculous.

Talking to neighbors, I now know that the lid was missing and the dumpster emptied before 5PM, so that means it was between 1PM and 5PM. Doesn't help me much if I can't prove that it happened when the dumpster was emptied, though it is pretty obvious.

Yes, I took pics and video. Edit: Added

Link to original page on YouTube.

Last futzed with by CZroe; July 8th, 2010 at 02:54 PM.
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