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Old August 9th, 2010, 04:48 PM   #19
Cab305 sage
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Name: Cab
Location: Miami Beach
Join Date: Mar 2010

Motorcycle(s): Blue 10 250r

Posts: 697
These are some interesting questions, not for the ladies.

Do any of you wear a cup?
How tight are the leather suits around crotch?

Not to sound like an a-hole but I have balls, that sometimes get in the way of sports. Not abnormally large freak show porn type nuts, just slightly large enough to be bothersome. I can't stand 5 point harnesses on cars, and have issues wearing climbing/diving harnesses. Proper technique dictates that I will be moving around alot on the seat, which could lead to potential pinching.

Again on a completely serious note are there any suggestions.
Most likely my first few times they will be neatly tucked from fright, but as soon as I get comfortable....

Also in a completely not gay way, do any of you wear mouth guards?
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