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Old August 30th, 2010, 11:27 AM   #36
Rosie sage
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Name: Rose
Location: San Diego
Join Date: Aug 2010

Motorcycle(s): 2007 Blue Ninja 250R

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Originally Posted by ally99 View Post
Hey Rosie. It can sort of catch in N when downshifting from 2nd to 1st, particularly if you shift while still rather than while moving. My N light doesn't always come on when this has happened. You should feel a nice, resounding "Clunk" in your boot that lets you know you are definitely in first. If you don't feel it, try rolling the bike an inch or two while snicking downward just to be safe and make sure you're in 1st. I do this sometimes at red lights if I didn't feel the clunk or if I didn't get it all the way down to 1st before having to stop.
I hope this help. Congrats! I teach at an elementary school (well, until this year anyway), and I used to ride my bike to work all the time. The kids loved it! :-)
I figured it was "operator error" and not mechanical.. The whole downshifting experience is still tricky to me.. but I'm glad I found out what I was doing wrong. Your input is helpful!
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