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Old September 20th, 2010, 12:27 PM   #37
Godzilla35 member
Name: poop
Location: San Diego, California
Join Date: Sep 2010

Motorcycle(s): Nike Hyperdunks

Posts: 116

i passed the written easily...

did well the first day...

second day practice, pretty much nailed everything except had an issue with my shifter (wasn't shifting from 2 to 1 / 1 to 2, instead only into neutral or staying in gear)... and this with a lapse in judgement, made me fail my riding in exam... =[

the box, i did fairly well... i did the U turns and got points off for going on the line, no biggie... and did the swerve down... got hit in the face with a bee which startled me a little and foot slipped off the shifter so I didn't down shift, again, not that many points lost, but a couple.

the quickstop... I did everything well except a stopped a little too far and again, I shifted, but because the bike didn't want to... I got a couple points off. Not a big deal, half expected.

BUT THEN, the easiest part of the test... the part I nailed the WHOLE PRACTICE! CORNERING! I messed up... first corner did fine (doesn't count) then when I wanted to shift into second, my bike, again, didn't do it's job, so I fiddled with the clutch until it did and accelerated as part of the instruction. But what was MY fault was I wasn't paying attention to the end of the braking zone where I should've slowed already and started to look / press in the decreasing radius turn. So basically I was taking the turn okay / slightly too fast for the first bend, then when the radius decreased I was way out in left field, literally... $#!T!... fail... literally. I came to the parking area and was so disappointed in myself. I was nailing the head turn, press, lean and roll on the throttle thing the whole day... but I messed up on slowing and looking this time and it cost me the test BY 3 POINTS! So technically, I could've passed if my other sections were tidier, but being one of maybe 3 people who hasn't REALLY learned how to ride in the class, that was as good as it was going to get for me...

I'm not gonna let it go though... put too much time, money, energy and effort into this. I'm gonna go back and retest because I know I didn't do myself or my rider coaches justice; I could be better. I was just disappointed in myself. Severely.
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