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Old October 6th, 2010, 09:26 PM   #26
Zombiphone's Avatar
Name: Tiffani
Location: Los Angeles, Ca
Join Date: Oct 2009

Motorcycle(s): 2009 Ninja 250r (Racebike), 2015 FZ-07(Tourer), 2001 KX65(LOL bike)

Posts: A lot.
I think a more accurate statement is "accelerates faster than most DRIVERS on the road"

I live in the San Fernando Valley and I've been commuting throughout it's traffic on a 250 for the last year and a half. I've had many a stint on the 405, 101/134/210, 118 never had issues at freeway speeds in bumper to bumper, moderate, or wide open traffic. Off the line at a stop light it takes NO EFFORT AT ALL to out react and out accelerate 99.99999% of the craptastic, unattentive drivers- and it's easy to stay out of trouble riding ahead of traffic.

If you honestly think it'd be too slow for you're riding style though, then yeah, I'd sit on an SV650/Ninja 650/FZ6 and see what you like. But it's technically more than capable of commuting in the most questionable of traffic situations. For me, it's the perfect commuter (And a super fun track bike ) and I've never had difficulty getting myself out of trouble, but I'm used to/enjoy riding a slow bike so YMMV.

Originally Posted by greg737 View Post
There you go, speaking the truth.

We don't need any input from "realist / a**holes" when we're imagining ourselves mixing it up on the nation's highways with squadrons of marauding Lamborghinis and Ferraris.

While we're indulging in "personal mythology" we might as well imagine a scene inside the OP's local Kawasaki dealership...... "Sorry, Sir. We can't sell you this little 250." "Why? Because your penis is simply too enormous. It's against the law. Let me show you some of our Liter-bikes instead."
You, sir, rock my world
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