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Old October 8th, 2010, 08:10 PM   #10
c-dog sage
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Saw this deal too. I passed on it for a few reasons - I like very plain helmets, solid colors without graphics. And I thought the gadgetry of the helmet might be a little much, I'm into simple things. Also after reading the review on it I decided a EXO-400 or EXO-700 would be a better buy for me.

But that $99 price really tempted me... It's funny you brought this up - I was almost pulling the trigger on this last night. Instead - I took a drive 1 hour away to a dealer today that had a solid black EXO-700 for $130, which I thought was an ok deal.

For people into more advanced helmets and gadgets this one is the ticket though. I was so close to buying this too but wanted a solid black.
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