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Old October 11th, 2010, 12:07 AM   #1
Flow guru
Name: Justin
Location: Mobile, AL/Memphis, TN
Join Date: Nov 2009

Motorcycle(s): '08 250R/'10 ZX6R/'02 YZ125/'06 DRZ125L/'05 Blaster

Posts: 346
Bicycles for city riding?

I know we've got quite a few bicycle enthusiasts here, so let me explain my situation. If you don't feel like reading much, there's a short version with no explanation at the end.

I temporarily moved to Memphis, TN a few weeks (or is it months?) ago. All of my bikes are still in Alabama and there's no way to get them here without spending a ridiculous amount of money, not that I'd want to: the drivers in Memphis ALL seem to be clueless idiots and half the people have the seat bent so far back they can't see the road. No one seems to stop at intersections, it's extremely crowded and I don't drive.

I can't run anymore because I tore my meniscus in July in an off-roading accident. Most of the time I have to walk with a cane. If I try to run, or even jog, my knee will give out painfully after a few seconds and I fall. This means I have two options: walk or get a bicycle.

Of course, I could also bum rides from people, but who likes doing that?

I currently live in an area where everything is nearby, so I don't need, I don't want and I don't trust myself with a car. My experience with bicycles is limited to riding around with friends as a kid ramping our Huffy bicycles and going trail riding.

I've got money, but I don't want to spend it on a bike that isn't a good value (for instance, a $2000 racing bike). Certainly I could search around on the internet, but I'd rather ask people I know have experience in these matters on a forum that I know is active first.

Cliffs: I want a bicycle that is good for sidewalk riding, is speedy, doesn't make me feel like my legs are on fire after 2 miles, and maybe somewhere around $200. Yeah, I'm cheap.
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