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Old October 19th, 2010, 06:04 AM   #1
JMcDonald sage
Name: J
Location: Oklahoma
Join Date: Sep 2010

Motorcycle(s): 2008 250R

Posts: 771
Do any of you wear knee pads?

I just wanted to point out that my GF took the MSF course a few weekends ago. At 5'0", even the little TU-250s looked like the Bat Bike with her sitting on it :P . Thus, she had a little trouble keeping it upright, both due to her size and what turned out to be an inability to naturaly reach the controls (don't know why she wasn't telling them she had to slide / rotate her palm forward on the the grip to reach the front brake...). She passed, having dropped the bike five times during the skills sections, but kept going after each one (even picked the bike up herself a couple times), and they told me she was about the toughest student they'd ever had .

Long story short, she ended up with both knees quite bruised, with a few small skinned areas, and in pain for a week. She doesn't have any pants that will fit her knew knee pads underneath, but at this point she is perfectly happy accepting a little goofiness by wearing the armor on the outside, if it means she won't bang up her knees if she falls again while practicing. :P

On that note, another friend went down recently in a lowside, and was again all fine except his knees, which were rashed up a bit and very sore. He is also looking into kneepads at the moment.

I've always worn my knee armor, even when just practicing in parking lots. I wear them when I ride to school, and sit all through class with them under my pants. I've gone down PLENTY on dirt (it only took once to never forget my knee pads again), as well as on street bicycles, and know how even this can leave your knees sore and you limping for a week. I've also seen how un-fun a fractured knee-cap is. So, I have already had my lessons on protecting your knees .

Does anyone else consistently wear them (not just when at the track or when out racing around)?
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