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Old October 20th, 2010, 10:37 AM   #56
manos33rd member
Name: Manos
Location: Orange Park
Join Date: Jun 2010

Motorcycle(s): '10 ninja 250R, '99 YZF R6

Posts: 18
I ride all year as long as there's not snow or ice on the road. Regardless of temperature. My motorcycle is my only transportation. I assure you that I'm the only one on the road DAILY from november to february here. I don't care if it makes me a man or not, I love riding. It aint for the man points, its for the ride. I don't buy a bike to put it in a shed 6 months out of the year. Screw that. What's the point of having a bike if you're going to do it part time? I don't buy a big screen tv and only watch it three months out of the year, so why would I do that to a bike? lol. To each his own, but while most of you will be logging dust hours on your machines, I'll have put an additional 6,000-10,000 miles on mine. plus I LOVE riding in cold weather, even though I hate cold weather in any other circumstance. Something about that biting wind while on your machine makes it so much more intense.... Oh, and I have had to ride in snow and ice before, but I really do not recommend it, it is very dangerous, not only from a rider's point of view, but also there's a bunch of idiots in cars that are 2 seconds from being out of control surrounding you so its a very tricky situation... lol
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