Thread: Scorpion helmet
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Old October 27th, 2010, 05:17 AM   #13
JMcDonald sage
Name: J
Location: Oklahoma
Join Date: Sep 2010

Motorcycle(s): 2008 250R

Posts: 771
Black helmets look the best by far. I'm sure you already understand this, but at the same time they are the least visible.

My first helmet was solid gloss black. Fine, whatevs. It was a cheap helmet and I decided to experiment, so I painted it white. The next day I happen to run across my GF while she was driving. She said she first noticed my helmet a quarter-mile back, in morning rush-hour traffic, in her rear-view mirror! From that day I was completely sold on white helmets.

But, I do like white, heh. My jacket is white, my current helmet is of white base (has a design though), and I'm about to paint my bike white .


And between the two, I'd go with the first one. I only like flat black helmets with flat-black bikes. Otherwise it's like wearing a rough leather hunting belt with glossy black dress shoes :P .
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