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Old October 28th, 2010, 02:52 PM   #48
GeneJunkie sage
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Name: Cindy
Location: Wethersfield, CT
Join Date: Apr 2010

Motorcycle(s): 2010 Ninja 250R

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I used to be addicted to WoW, I still get the cravings to play WoW, it's terrible. I played since vanilla WoW... right when ZG came out. When burning crusade was out I had 5 lvl 70s, 2 in BT/SW gear. Once WotLK came out I just raided/farmed on one of them, stupid achievements... I also have a collecting issue that I have at bay in RL but once I hit WoW oh gawd it had me completely sucked in.

I ended up quitting once Ryan moved out here, around when the tournament stuff got released and as much as I want to try out the new xpack I most likely won't. Part of the other reason why I quit was dumb guild drama. I was in the #2 guild on my server, stupid crap happened, I told them I wasn't raiding that night and they gkicked me after raiding with them about 5-7 days a week about 4-5 hrs a day for over 4 years.

I don't think I could take leveling again and they have dumbed the game down so much it was getting a little boring to play.

Oh if anyone like's boss kill vids, this was done a few months before I was kicked/quit, I'm the troll shadow priest... 25 man Sarth +3.. people still raid that?
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