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Old October 28th, 2010, 08:52 PM   #67
Name: RM
Location: Bay Area
Join Date: Mar 2010

Motorcycle(s): EX 250, 2010 250R

Posts: 8
Nice gauges

The new Ninja 250's gauges are pretty bad IMO. The Honda's gauges are pretty sweet. Fuel injection?? that's going to hurt for kawasaki, but I'm pretty confident that K will bring over a FI model for the US soon.

What i'm really curious is the mpg, the service intervals, and highway capability.

MPG should be better, considering it's lower powered and lighter. Maybe lower 70s?

Servicing the engine should be easy too, since there are only one cylinder to do a valve adjust. I hope they improve on valve adjust period too.

One thing that's nice about the ninja is that it's got power to hit 100 ish top speed. that's a good amount of headroom for travelling on the freeways. with it's lower power, will the Honda feel as comfortable? top speed of maybe 85, or 90? It'll be interesting, looking forward to this!
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