Thread: Chevy VOLT
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Old November 20th, 2010, 09:58 AM   #5
almost40 Monkey Spank
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Originally Posted by adouglas View Post
The Volt is still too expensive, even with subsidies. Sure you'll save on fuel, but do the math… even with gas at $5+ a gallon you'll never come anywhere close to recouping your investment. So why bother?

---------------If your already buying a new car?? Might very well be worth it.

What's the total carbon footprint of the thing? Pollution is about much more than what comes out of the tailpipe.

----------------Not a concern.

What happens when the battery pack wears out? How much does that thing cost?

---------------This doesnt stop your avg liberal or envirowacko from buying a prius. Its a statement car for most. Just as an SUV or 4x4 truck or a Vette or a Porsche.

I don't know about you, but based on a lifetime of experience I'm not exactly confident in the competence of the average auto mechanic. This thing is bleeding edge… do you really think that Bud down at the local Chevy dealer is going to be able to fix it correctly?

--------------- Doesnt seem to be that big of a deal. Toyota GM Ford Nissan they all offer some form of partial battery powered vehicle now.

Has it occurred to anyone that if you're burning little or no fuel, you're going to wind up with very old gas in your tank? My wife is the perfect target for this car… she works five miles from home and doesn't drive much. She could easily wind up not burning any gasoline at all for weeks at a time.

---------------Has been thought of. The volt will keep track and every 6 weeks (if memory serves) will run the motor just to keep eveything in good working condition.

So thumbs up to GM for pushing the envelope. I'm all for that. But color me skeptical for now. I'll let somebody else suffer the pain of early adoption.
I just liked what I read
Its all battery powered all the time. The engine runs a generator and is not connected to the drive wheels
It will run 80 for 20 miles on the highway in traffic, all battery.
Full charge in 10 hours off standard outlet 4 hours off 220
It can be programed to pull electricity in the wee hours of the morning when rates are lowest.
Is fairly quick will run 100mph and isnt ugly as hell
Black 250R
Full Area P QC
Dyno Jet Kit 100 main 41T Rear Sprocket

Last futzed with by Alex; November 20th, 2010 at 10:05 AM. Reason: quotes edited to make it readable
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