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Old December 14th, 2010, 09:54 AM   #1
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Social question for you

So I've been thinking a lot about the state of the world in which we live in. Hunger and famine in many different parts of the world, including the US. They don't report on it, but look at all the charity programs that go to helping people in the states. We have food banks, welfare, food stamps, and during the holidays, more food drives. I don't think these programs are bad at all. I want to ask a question and just give an honest response. I think people on here are mature enough to not deride you for your opinion.

Would you be in favor of population control? Now, I know... The first reaction is: "Why should the government tell me how many children I can and cannot have?" The thing is, if we had less mouths to feed, we would be able to change the entire society in which we live.

First off, with less people, we would have higher employment rates. Even if we had immigrants from other lands, jobs could be sustainable. I'm not saying we would ever achieve 100% employment, but what if unemployment rates weren't accounted in the millions but maybe thousands?

Secondly, with higher employment rates, more people would be able to afford housing and food.

Third, with a smaller supply of available potential employees, wages would go up because employers would want to retain valuable employees. During the tech boom in the late 90's and early 2k, almost every available tech was snatched up by some company or another. It's how I got my start in a small company. I was offered competitive wages as well. Now, we have people with masters degrees driving taxi's. Keep in mind that the unemployment rate was relatively low after the Great Depression until the baby boomer generation hit their stride. This leads to number 4.

Higher wages mean better living and better education. Education has a direct link to crime. There are many studies that show that when young kids do not finish school (grade or high school) they fall into a life of crime easily. Not all do, but there are enough. So we would have less crime as well.

Look at teenage pregnancy between the 40's and today. In the 40's, if a teenage girl became pregnant, she was a pariah. Now, we look and shrug. "Oh look, there's another one." Teenage pregnancy has somehow become a fact of life in this society. The sad part is that this loss of control between kids exacerbates an already grievous problem. If the teenager's parents aren't wealthy (and stats show that less than 10% of Americans fall in that category), it's just one more mouth to feed. If they kick her out of the house, we now have homelessness, hunger, and then the need to survive kicks in. Crime is inevitable unless they're lucky enough to land that minimum wage job. Welfare, food stamps, food banks are then required due to this inflation of unintended pregnancy.

So how would we go about population control? I have my ideas, but I'm not asking how we do it. Just asking if you think we should.
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