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Old December 14th, 2010, 01:16 PM   #19
Sailariel certified postwhore
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Name: Alex
Location: Belfast, ME
Join Date: Jul 2008

Motorcycle(s): 2010 Honda NT-700-V, formerly, Green 2008 Ninja 250R

Posts: A lot.
I am the CEO of a newly reorganized soup kitchen. There is no reason that anybody should be hungry in our neck of the woods--but there are lots of hungry people. The "Why" can be summed up in one word--waste. Restaurants, catering services, etc. throw food away because if they give it away, they are afraid of litigation. We get produce and one day old baked goods from a local super market--that's pretty safe. We have to carry liability insurance as well. That's the food part.

Systemic disincentives are another thing. If a person is unemployed and on public assistance, they are in effect not allowed to work. What they make is deducted from what they get (Which is very little) In that scenario, how can they work themselves out of poverty?

Slumlords: These people make a great living off the poor by supplying them with substandard housing at an exorbinant rate. They convert a two family house into six tiny substandard apartments and charge a mint for a hovel. These people are pillars of the community, serve on boards for charities--classic hypocracy in my opinion.

I, personally do not see overpoulation as the big problem. In my view the problem is poor management of our resources and the misplacement of priorities.
Ninjette, Sold. New Bike: 2010 Honda NT-700V/VA, 73 Honda 550, 74 Honda 550
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