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Old February 10th, 2009, 03:11 PM   #21
Join Date: Nov 2008

Posts: Too much.
Thanks guys. Checked my tire pressures and both are set to the usual 30psi. I double checked my rear wheel alignment... the adjusters have not moved.

My gut feeling is telling me to check the steering stem nut for tightness and perhaps I got a bad front tire. I've been having a sort of bumpity, bump when leaned over on the 090s since that day I changed to them. It's perfectly okay in a straight line or in turns when the throttle is on, but in throttle off type of corners, I could feel the bumping.... like I was riding on scallops near the edge of the tire. The tire looks fine, though, so it could be an internal matter.

Good (?) to hear you've had similar problems... it seems the clipons may be aggravating or amplifying the wobble.

I agree... for now I'll just keep my hands on the bars when riding until I can check the steering stem nut.
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