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Old February 12th, 2009, 12:20 AM   #37
Adrenaline Junkie Queen
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Name: Joanne
Location: Alberta
Join Date: Feb 2009

Motorcycle(s): Red EX250R Ninja

Posts: 60
Ha! You guys are a riot!

I think I'll just saunter on in and talk to him. Just ask him what his intentions are and if he's going to defile my bike. Then take mental notes as to what condition it's in. I'm very observant and notice the slightest thing, so I'll take lots of pics, take notes and write down the mileage. Thanks for that tip! I'll make him 'cross his heart hope to die' that he doesn't let it get scratched or that he doesn't let anyone break it's cherry but me.

I just don't want to pick up my bike until the end of March for several reasons.

1. I just ordered all my gear from Belgium and I'm waiting for it to come in. I like to pay cash for everything. I want to pay for all my gear first, then finish paying the other 1/2 of the bike. I'll have the money to pay off the bike mid March.

2. It's -15C (5F) snowy, cold, icy. I want to drive it home from the dealership when it's +15C, warm, no snow, no ice.

3. My garage needs to be cleaned up where my bike will be. Did I mention -15C? I don't want to be working in the garage sweeping, recycling and going to the bottle depot in the cold. I hate the cold. Once I get my bike, I'm putting heated grips on it right away. Can I get a heated seat too? Hmmm.... I've got to check into that.

4. My mother is making her annual visit at the end of Feb. and I don't want to hear the lecture about my bike. I'm saving myself headache and stress.

5. I don't want to start to pay for insurance until I can actually ride it. Even if it is only $360.

6. I've signed up for a refresher/practice/road driving course for March 20 with my motorcycle school, just to make sure I remember everything from my classes over the summer.

7. I've already planned it out in my head that I'm going to pick it up near the end of March. Once my mind is set on something, it's really hard to change it.

It will be all good. It's a small town, not a big city dealer. I'm optimistic. I can be very convincing when I need to be. I'll feel him out. He's a really uber nice guy so I think he'll be good. I'll be in every week to check on the bike. I might even stop in every other day depending on how I feel so I'll keep an eye on it.

Thanks for the heads up! You're awesomesauce!

Oh and psssst.... I like bad boys who look like Tom Welling.
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