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Old January 14th, 2011, 11:31 AM   #35
Cedilla sage
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Name: Chris
Location: Huntsville, AL
Join Date: May 2009

Motorcycle(s): 2009 Ninja 250 (sold)

Posts: 755
I like sunflower seeds, beef jerky, sardines in olive oil, and mixed nuts.

I don't have much of a sweet tooth, but I am a salt addict. I read a yahoo article that stated that eating a lot of salt was not really bad, unless you had heart issues, or didn't eat much potassium. Maybe I should start eating more bananas.
The Ninjette is not a disposable bike. You are not ever supposed to get rid of it. It is like a [friendly] herpes virus.... once you got it, you get keep it forever. Originally posted by-Headshrink
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